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Performance Lighting

Welcome to Treasure Chest Memorabilia

Autographed guitars, pictures, posters, albums and CDs, documents, props, you name it. Framed or unframed. 

FREE domestic shipping is always included!

Certified Authentic Memorabilia
and Collectables

Buy with confidence. All of our memorabilia come with a Certificate of Authenticity and a 30-day money back guarantee. 

We are sorting our inventory and improving our online store.  Please contact us with your favorite celebrity request and we will reply with a quote.

At Treasure Chest Memorabilia, we are passionate about providing our customers with the highest quality certified authentic memorabilia and collectables. Whether you're a collector or a fan, or decorating your office, bar, or home, you can buy with confidence knowing that each piece comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

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